Cloud Umbrella

People have been dealing with rain for eons, but it can still ruin your day.  There is much to be desired that a product could solve.
Detailed research. Shadowing, observing, taking notes and trying to empathize with the needs of a market. Her hands were always working at the limit. This became the inspiration to design an ergonomic umbrella that wouldn’t occupy either of her hands.
A hands free umbrella with a simple ergonomic form. 
With an adjustable PVC model and several rounds of foam models, I began to hone in on the perfect ergonomics.  
People use their elbow crook for more than you would think. 
Testing across all heights the ideal form was precisely measured that compromises and fits anyone. You can securely hold an umbrella by fitting the two orange curves between ones underarm and elbow crook.  Curving the contact points, allows minor adjustments which means anyone can find a comfortable placement.
Closing off the two arms helps it communicate how it is to be held. Plywood for structure and cork to provide a little cushion.
Using a Shopbot, the profiles were cut out of cork and plywood to build 30 units.  The parts were assembled cut to create a full round. Everything is sealed with danish oil.
A kraft paper tube forms the packaging for all 30 umbrellas. It is screen printed with a lively and youthful logo and a simple infographic showing the methods of use.
The unique handle design allows the umbrella 4 main functions

1 Hands free getting it from A to B
2 Standard umbrella; no harm done
3 Hands free in the rain.  
4 Hangs on any table edge to dry


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