DreamMe is the new companion for your smartphone at night.

DreamMe allows you to see the time and a lot of other information from your smartphone right on the ceiling of your sleeping room.

About this project

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Mehr Informationen in Deutsch

What is DreamMe? 

With the DreamMe hardware and app you keep up to date with time and other information, right on the ceiling of your sleeping room. DreamMe hardware does not require batteries or cumbersome coupling to your smartphone or tablet, as the hardware uses a special optical system to show the information from your smartphone right on the ceiling of your darkened room. 
Start the app - set DreamMe onto your smartphone / tablet - stay tuned @ night!

 How it works:

While the phone is charging on the nightstand, DreamMe uses it to project parts of the display onto your room ceiling. Simply place DreamMe onto the display. The app ensures the appropriate placement and allows to choose different categories of information to be displayed. The user decides himself whether DreamMe is solely used as "projection alarm clock", or indicates your new mail messages and the weather report. The app also provides help for those who like to count sheep to fall asleep. Thus, DreamMe´s sympathic sheep even convert your smartphone to a sleeping aid. 
DreamMe concept animation - due to photo camera limitations
DreamMe concept animation - due to photo camera limitations

 DreamMe in the news:

Smartphone apps:

The app is responsible for displaying the information with increased brightness and contrast. Additionally it will mirror the information for the optical system, so the information is clearly visible on the darkened room ceiling.
 project video thumbnail

App functionality:  

  • Display the local time and date
  • Display the local weather (temperature and cloudiness) 
  • Display your own message 
  • "Sheep counting" will help you to fall asleep 
  • Alarm clock and auto on / off 
  • Display time in additional time zones (pro upgrade) 
  • Display weather in other cities (pro upgrade) 
  • Show number of unread mails (pro upgrade) 
  • Show the latest Twitter tweet (pro upgrade)
iOS and Android versions available for free in app stores (with optional pro upgrade)  

DreamMe live in action:

 project video thumbnail
Black DreamMe with white focus ring working on Android smartphone. Settings: Additional time zone "NEW YORK" - weather additional city "NEW YORK" - custom text "ON" - sheep counting "ON".
As you can imagine, it is not easy to capture the working DreamMe as the capability of current cameras is limited in darkness. We tried our best to give you an impression of how DreamMe is projecting. Please keep in mind that our eyes are X times better than a camera...

Design - from the beginning to final design:

DreamMe features a simple and stylish design. It not only fits perfectly to your nightstand, it establishes a perfect symbiosis with your smartphone - real bros & sis. Compact size and low weight make it a perfect companion on your next trip. It follows you through the night to keep you up to date.
When DreamMe and your smartphone get to know each other - this will be more than just a one night stand! :-)
DreamMe impresses with its clear use of forms. The two identical parts, of which the upper one carries the optics, have the exact same contour and sit mirrored to each other, which is why in silhouette they form a shapely cylinder that keeps its symmetry even when it is unscrewed to adjust the picture sharpness. Considering its aesthetics, it is almost a pity it is being used in the dark. The base is available in two colors, black and white. In active use the colored focus ring separates the upper and lower parts with a subtle light band. The selected material not only is non-slip and extremely lightweight but also offers comfortable haptics preventing scratches.

Traveling with DeamMe: 

DreamMe - ideal travel companion
DreamMe - ideal travel companion

Design variations:

Black or white body - monochrome or color focus ring - your choice!

Wherever you go - you can easily adjust the focus to the height of your room:
Easy to set focus - small for traveling - Black DreamMe with white focus ring
Easy to set focus - small for traveling - Black DreamMe with white focus ring

DreamMe size:

Estimated dimensions
Estimated dimensions
Estimated dimensions
Estimated dimensions

DreamMe optical system:

We haven´t counted the number of lenses and optics we tested - finally we decided not to pick the cheapest but the best of them all - an aspheric lens made in Germany.
The core element of DreamMe is a high quality spherical lightweight lens manufactured by a renowned optics company in Germany. 
DreamMe is a purely passive system, without support of electronics. A part of the smartphone display is optically magnified and focused. DreamMe is designed for use in the bedroom and other low light environments.

Kickstarter available perks:

Those are the perks that you can contribute to at Kickstarter.
Single DreamMe perks: You will get one DreamMe in either black or white body, complete with special lens and a white focus ring included. Also includes DreamMe App for iOS or Android.
Color focus ring perks: If you prefer it more colorful you can add green or orange focus rings to your DreamMe.
3D printed prototypes - final product will have improved quality
3D printed prototypes - final product will have improved quality
DreamMe with colored focus ring sample:
White DreamMe with green focus ring and black DreamMe with orange focus ring.                             Mix and match as you like!
White DreamMe with green focus ring and black DreamMe with orange focus ring. Mix and match as you like!
Double DreamMe perks: You will get two DreamMe´s in either 2 x black or 2 x white body or mixed 1 x black and 1 x white body, each with special lens and a white focus ring included. Also includes DreamMe App for iOS or Android.
3D printed prototypes - final product will have improved quality
3D printed prototypes - final product will have improved quality
150% funding stretch goal:
When we reach 150% of our planned funding every backer will receive a DreamMe cleaning cloth for free. This is a special optics cloth to clean the DreamMe lens, and when DreamMe is not in use, you can just tug it away into your DreamMe.
200% funding stretch goal:
When we reach 200% of our planned funding every backer will receive a DreamMe storing pouch for free. This is pouch made of soft cloth that is ideal when you take your DreamMe with you on the road. It will make sure that your optics stays free from any scratching.

 The team behind DreamMe:

Current project status:

  • The optical lens system is sourced and has been tested and used in several of our 3D printed prototypes.
  • The apps for Android and iOS are available in beta state, functionality is working fine and they just need some cosmetic finishing before the release to the app stores.
  • The manufacturer for the DreamMe body and focus ring has been sourced and selected
We now need the Kickstarter funding to get the manufacturing tools produced and the first batch run in production.


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