FORMcard is a handy, pocket sized card of meltable bio-plastic that can be used to fix the world!
FORMcard is now in full production and available to buy here!

FORMcards are instant. When they're cool, they're ready to use, so you can fix things quickly in emergency situations, like when a handle breaks on a tool, or a button falls off your jacket.They are strong like nylon, not rubbery, so they can be used for long lasting solutions.
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FORMcards are reusable, so if you don't like what you've made, or if you're finished with something you've made you can just melt it back down again. Great for making toys when your kids grow up!

FORMcards are produced entirely in the U.K. The plant making the raw material is one of the biggest in the world (weird but true) and through friendly negotiation with a moulders in the U.K. we have found a price that is as economical to production in the far east once import / export costs are taken into consideration.

Normally, these types of thermoplastics are supplied in granulated form, which makes them awkward to use; the granules have to be squashed together, which is messy, wasteful and sometimes even painful. This has restricted their use to people who are familiar with making things, but I believe that this material has a place in everyone's kitchen drawer, tool box and back pack, like Blu-tack or Selotape, so I developed it into a flat card form, that would always be around and always be ready to use. The size and thickness of the card is exactly right amount of material for the quick types of fixes that are needed.
FORMcard fits in your wallet and it fits in a cup, so you can take it and use it anywhere you can find hot water. It's quick, clean, simple, instant and fun to use.

FORMcards are made in different colours which makes them fun to use in different situations, like camo green for foresty people, fluo orange for high visibility fixes and crazy mixed colours for people into zombie apocalypse / alien invasions.
We'll be posting more tips and projects at:
Thanks for watching our video, and please support our project!
oh.... and many thanks to the talented David Gardener for creating a great video in a rush... on a shoe string...late at night. Cheers, Dave - seems to have worked out okay.
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