SWANKY™ - The Floating Ladle

The masterpiece of your kitchen! This floating ladle will fancy up any dinner and raise smiles around your table.

About this project

 Here comes the masterpiece of your kitchen! This elegant ladle will fancy up any dinner. Floating with grace, balanced like a ballerina, Swanky will help you stay on top of your soup.

Sitting around the table with friends or family is all about sharing quality time, good food and of course, enjoying a well-dressed table. Thinking about these things were the starting point of the development of a unique piece of design we proudly bring before you.  
Our kitchens are overflowing with utensils we use and don’t really have paid attention to. They have been around for hundreds of years, have kept their initial shape and been serving the same purpose ever since. We decided to take a new look at everyday objects and reinvent them, adding an original and unexpected twist. Plus, since some cool manufacturing technologies are around, why not add a bit of magic? 
The world is an endless well of inspiration, and very often, nature has the best to offer when it comes to ingenuity and creativity. A casual walk around a lake surrounded by swans, can change a simple ladle into a majestic floating one.

Download the press kit

 SWANKY comes in 3 colors: Black, White and Pink.


   Don`t keep SWANKY to yourself!

The designer of Swanky, Dikla, shared with us a little about how she came up with the idea of a floating ladle: "Growing up, I was really interested in science. Buoyancy, the ability of an object or substance to float on water or air or some other fluid, fascinated me. I was always experimenting at home with my siblings seeing which common household items would sink or float. Fast forward 15 years later and the idea of a floating ladle is now a reality."

Dikla Libresco is an industrial designer with a degree from Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. For her final design project, she decided to create a floating ladle. Little did she know how big of a design challenge this simple idea would actually be. Searching for advice and expertise, Dikla reached out to us, OTOTO. We are a design firm focused on innovative, humoristic and unexpected products, co-founded by designers Dani Gassner and Ori Saidi. 
We believe that something new and exciting can happen at any given moment; that the next great idea is just around the corner, waiting to arrive. We consistently look for new ideas, with a true passion for creation and the desire to share our work with anyone who appreciates creative design as much as we do. When Dikla stepped into our studio with this project, we knew we were ready to take on the challenge. After many months of trials and investment, we finally reached the desired shape and balance.
OTOTO created Nessie, the infamous ladle that conquered the web. Overnight it appeared in various kitchens around the world and was the top selling item in the Amazon kitchen section in 2015.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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