Delta Prime: If we had a nickel for every person who's asked us adapt our last Kickstarter project, the Beertop Delta, into a fidget spinner.... well, lets just say it wouldn't be necessary to be raisiong funds via this Kickstarter project! After 4 successful Kickstarter projects, we're returning to our Kickstarter family with our latest [r]Evolution of our fidgetable bottle opener, the Delta Prime.
The Design: CNC machined from solid billet, the Delta Prime has been designed from the ground up to be both a whimsically entertaining spinner, and an effective bottle opener. Its compact form factor makes the Delta Prime a lightweight, nimble spinner that can be carried unobtrusively in a pocket or on a keychain.
The Purpose: Have you ever clicked a pen, played with your hair, tapped your foot, or spun a quarter on a restaurant table? Congratulations, you may be the type of person who likes to fidget. To some extent, we all thrive on fidgeting. We all move our bodies in subtle, extraneous ways while our mind is occupied. Imagine carrying on a conversation while remaining completely still. It would be weird, wouldn't it? Often times, we do not even notice these subconscious movements. It is thought that fidgeting may occupy portions of your brain that would otherwise distract the rest of your mind, allowing the rest to focus more easily. Not only that, but many believe that having a dedicated fiddle object can reduce stress and anxiety, as well as lessen the effects of ADHD, PTSD, or Autism. They are also known to increase our cognitive creativity and concentration. But most importantly, us fidgeters simply find them fun.
Every Day Carry: We designed the Delta Prime to be taken with you. Either slipped in a pocket, or attached to a keyring, the Delta Prime will keep you be prepared for those unexpected moments of boredom, and you will always have a bottle opener at the ready. Additionally, the openings in the Delta Prime frame are designed to fit 1/4" hex bits and bolt heads in a pinch. The Construction/Manufacturing: The Delta Prime components will be manufactured here in the USA, and will be CNC cut from solid titanium, with a high quality press fit spinner bearing. These will be hand finished and assembled here in NC by Pangea Designs.
Options: Our base model Delta Prime will be cut from Stainless Steel and feature a Stainless r188 bearing. Other materials, options, and upgrades may be unlocked as funding progresses. Let us know what you'd like to see in the comments!
Schedule: Early September- Kickstarter funding period closes, funds transferred. September - CNC cutting of the titanium frames October - Finishing/Assembly/Shipping (Please note that this schedule is a preliminary estimate. We have a high degree of confidence that we can meet this schedule, but as with all new projects, sometimes unexpected hurdles cause things go differently than planned)
Stay in the Loop: The biggest risk to you not receiving your reward, is... you. Please stay on top of our updates, fill out your reward selections survey in a timely manner, and provide us a shipping address when requested. Without these things, it is impossible for us to send you your rewards. Email filters sometimes weed out Kickstarter communications, so please check back in often so you don't miss out on important updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us, as we're more than happy to help you out along the way.
Follow us! We try no to post excessive project updates, because we don't want people to start 'tuning out' when we have something important to communicate. If you want to keep up with the behind the scenes or are just curious how things are coming along, follow our instagram page @pangeadesigns! We might even run some cool giveaways along the way :)
애플, 에어팟·프로·맥스 최신 펌웨어 업데이트 '6F21' 출시 에어팟 2 (출처: 애플) 22일(현지시간) 애플이 ▲1세대 에어팟 프로(라이트닝) ▲에어팟 맥스(라이트닝) ▲에어팟 2(라이트닝) ▲에어팟 3(라이트닝)에 대해 최신 펌웨어 업데이트를 출시했다. 새로운 펌웨어를 설치하면 기존 6A326 펌웨어 버전에서 6F21로 업그레이드된다. 애플은 이번 업데이트 개선 내용을 공개하지 않았지만, 버그 수정 및 사소한 개선 사항이 포함됐을 가능성이 높다고 외신은 전했다. 최신 펌웨어는 에어팟이 충전 케이스에 들어 있고 iOS 또는 Mac에 연결되어 있을 때 무선으로 설치된다.
애플, 에어팟 프로2용 새로운 펌웨어 '7A305' 출시 출처: 애플 26일(현지시간) 애플이 에어팟 프로2를 위한 최신 펌웨어를 출시했다. 최신 펌웨어 빌드 넘버는 7A305이며 라이트닝 및 USB-C 모델에서 설치할 수 있다. 애플은 아직 공식 변경 내용은 공개하지 않았다. 애플은 향후 에어팟 프로2에 보청기 및 청력 검사 기능을 추가할 계획이다. 이번 펌웨어 업데이트는 iOS 18 업데이트에서 전체 기능 세트가 출시되기 전에 이러한 기능에 대한 기반을 마련할 가능성이 있다고 외신은 전했다. 한편, 에어팟 프로2의 보청기 기능은 미국 식품의약품청(FDA)으로부터 승인을 획득한 상태다.
애플, iOS 17.5.2 마이너 업데이트 출시 임박 애플이 7월 중 아이폰용 iOS 17.5.2 마이너 업데이트를 출시할 것으로 알려졌다. 8일(현지시간) 해외 매체 맥루머스는 신뢰할 수 있는 소식통을 인용해 애플이 아이폰용 iOS 17.5.2 업데이트를 출시할 준비를 하고 있다고 보도했다. 보도에 따르면 새로운 마이너 업데이트는 '21F101' 빌드 번호를 가지고 있다. 어떤 개선 사항이 포함될지는 아직 알 수 없지만, 사소한 버그 수정 및 보안 패치가 포함될 것으로 예상된다. 애플은 현재 ▲iOS 17.6 ▲iOS 18 베타 테스트도 진행 중이다. iOS 17.6 정식 업데이트는 이르면 7월 말 출시될 것으로 예상되며 iOS 18 공개 베타도 7월 중 출시될 예정이다. 소식통은 iOS 17.5.2 업데이트 출시 시기를 언급하지 않았지만, iOS 17.6 정식 업데이트, iOS 18 공개 베타보다 먼저 출시될 가능성이 높다고 매체는 전했다.
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