Pivo. Get Insanely Creative GIFs, Photos & Videos.


Quickly and easily set up an automated rap-battle-like video angle cuts.
 Take pictures of yourself all over the place- then choose ManyMe mode to create the illusion of a party-of-one or a clone army.
No more panoramas with missing arms and distorted heads, Pivo gets them right. Plus, now you can be in them too.
Take spherical images that look like tiny globes that were taken with a much more expensive lens. Or flip it into inverted Tiny Planet.  
Timelapse, but no longer stationary. Capture what a sunset looks like over the course of the entire evening- now across the entire sky.
A super-fun meme-ready effect. The ol' look-away-then-back-again.
50% still image, 50% animated GIF. Essentially a quick and easy cinemagraph. 
A motion blur tying together two different events. Time to be a superhero! Or just play catch with yourself.
Have Pivo follow your around the room  (up to 4m / 13 ft) Works on front or back camera.
 Want Pivo to follow around a someTHING instead of someONE? Perfect for showing off how something works. 
 To trigger Pivo to take a picture or start recording. Just snap your fingers, say “cheese”, or anything else you decide.
 Go live on multiple social media networks at the same time, and take advantage of face tracking and the remote control.
Tross is a data-driven crowdfunding company


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

애플, 에어팟·프로·맥스 최신 펌웨어 업데이트 '6F21' 출시

애플, 에어팟 프로2용 새로운 펌웨어 '7A305' 출시

애플, iOS 17.5.2 마이너 업데이트 출시 임박