

Ballet is a compass inspired by the elegance, simplicity and subtlety of ballet dancers. It is a creative solution for an object that has not been developed over the years, providing functionality and aesthetics in a single piece. The intention was to provoke a sense of honesty, taking special care that the elements were visually consistent and approachable to use, suitable to live alongside other products kept in our case. 


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

MS, 인텔 N200 CPU 탑재 '서피스 고 4' 발표.. 가격 76만원부터

애플, 구형 아이폰용 'iOS 15.8.2' 업데이트 공개.. 중요한 버그 수정

iOS 17.4.1 마이너 업데이트, 이르면 이번주 출시되나